41 Fruits That Start with Q

There are a lot of fruits in the world. In fact, there are so many that it can be hard to keep track of them all. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 41 fruits whose names start with Q. This will help you become familiar with some of the more unique fruits out there, and maybe even give you some ideas for fruits you can include in your salads and their health benefits!


41 Fruits That Start with Q

1. Quince

Quince is a bright yellow fruit that comes from China and has a tart, slightly sour flavor. It is commonly eaten raw or cooked into jams, jellies, and other desserts.

2. Quandong

Quandong is also known as the native peach because of its similar taste to peaches from around the world. This tasty fruit grows in Australia, where it is often used in pies and other desserts. It has a salty aftertaste and is rich in Vitamin E, Magnesium, and folate.

3. Quebracho

Quebracho is a tropical fruit that comes from South America, with juicy flesh and tangy flavor similar to tamarinds. It can be eaten raw or made into juice or wine for a refreshing drink on a hot day. It has a high amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants and keeps you hydrated during summers.

4. Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne’s lace is a small white fruit grown in North America and Europe with an apple-like flavor and soft texture. It can be eaten raw or made into juices and syrups for use in various beverages and cocktails.

6. Quararibea Cordata

Quararibea Cordata is a small, red fruit that comes from South America with a tart and tangy flavor similar to raspberries. It is often used in jams, jellies, and other preserves. The fruit is rich in Vitamin A and potassium making it great for the eyes and skin.

7. Quamquat

Quamquat is a small, orange fruit that comes from China with a sweet and tangy flavor similar to oranges. They are often made into marmalade or used as a garnish for various dishes. It contains a high amount of Vitamin C as well as traces of iron making it a nutritional fruit.

9. Qala

Qala is a small, black fruit that comes from Africa with a bitter taste similar to coffee beans. It is often used in soups and stews to add flavor and protein to the dish. It is also rich in calcium and Vitamin C, making it a great choice for your health.

10. Queen Apple

Queen Apple is a fragrant fruit that comes from North America with a crisp and juicy texture. It can be eaten raw or used to make juices and jams for breakfast or dessert. The fruit also contains high amounts of potassium, making it great for your heart health as well.

11. Quandong Plum

Quandong plum is a small purple fruit that grows in Australia with a sweet flavor similar to cherries. It is often made into syrups, sauces, and jams for use in various desserts or beverages. The fruit is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients, making it great for your overall health.

12. Queen Guava

Queen guava is a small green fruit that grows in tropical regions around the world. It has a sweet, fragrant flavor similar to pineapples and pears, and is often made into juices for use in cocktails or smoothies. The fruit is high in Vitamin C and fiber, making it great for your digestion.

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13. Quay Fruit

Quay fruit is a small brown fruit that comes from India with a rich, nutty flavor similar to hazelnuts. It can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in various beverages and baked goods. The fruit is also packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that help keep you healthy.

14. Queen Forelle Pear

Queen Forelle Pear is a fragrant fruit that comes from Germany with a juicy texture similar to ripe apples. It can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, tarts, and other desserts. This pear is also packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, making it great for your overall health.

15. Queen Loquat

Queen loquat is a small yellow fruit that comes from Asia with a sweet and tangy flavor similar to peaches. It is often made into jams, jellies, and other preserves for use in various dishes and desserts. The fruit contains high amounts of iron, making it beneficial for your blood health as well.

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16. Quince Apple

Quince apple is a small red fruit that grows in North America with a crisp and juicy texture similar to apples. The fruit also contains high amounts of potassium, making it great for your heart health. It can be eaten raw or made into juices and jams for breakfast or snacks.

17. Queen Thorny Grape Fruit

Queen thorny grapefruit is a small yellow-orange fruit that comes from Southeast Asia with a rich flavor similar to peaches and plums. The fruit is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients and is often made into marmalade or used in desserts like tarts and cakes.

18. Quetzaltepec Guava

Quetzaltepec guava is a small green fruit that grows in Mexico with a sweet, fragrant flavor similar to pineapples and pears. High in Vitamin C and fibers, the fruit is great for digestion and can be eaten raw or used to make juices for use in cocktails or smoothies.

19. Queen Anne Cherry

Queen Anne cherry is a small dark red fruit that comes from Europe with a tart flavor similar to cherries. It is often made into pies, tarts, and other desserts as well as jams and jellies. The antioxidants and phytonutrients in Anne Cherries keep you healthy and refreshed during the summer months.

20. Queen Tahiti Pineapple

Queen Tahiti pineapple is a large yellow fruit that comes from France with a sweet and juicy flavor similar to pineapples. The fruit is full of Vitamin C and potassium, making it great for your overall health as well as your heart health. It can be eaten raw or used in juices, smoothies, and cocktails.

21. Queen Cassis Plum

Queen cassis plum is a small purple fruit that grows in France with a rich, fruity flavor similar to plums and cherries. It can be made into syrups and sauces for use in various desserts or beverages. The antioxidants in this fruit keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

22. Queen Mashua Cherry

Queen mashua cherry is a small dark red fruit that grows in the United States with a tart and juicy flavor similar to cherries. It can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in jams, jellies, and other sauces for use in cakes, pies, and tarts.

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23. Queen Bumbleberry

Queen bumbleberry is a small red-purple fruit that comes from Africa with a sweet and sour flavor similar to strawberries and raspberries. The fruit contains high amounts of Vitamin C, making it great for your immune system and overall health. It also contains anthocyanins which act as antioxidants to keep you healthy.

24. Quince Cherry

This small yellow fruit comes from North America and has a rich, fruity flavor similar to peaches and plums. It is often used in jams and jellies or made into pies, tarts, and other desserts. The antioxidants in quince cherry keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

25. Queen Garnet Plum

Did you know that this small dark purple fruit with a tart flavor similar to cherries comes from Australia? It can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, tarts, and other desserts as well as jams and jellies. The fruit contains high amounts of Vitamin C, making it great for your overall health as well as your immune system.

26. Quick Fruit

This sweet and juicy fruit comes from Asia and has a flavor similar to apples and pears. The high amount of Vitamins A, C, and B in quick fruit makes it great for keeping your immune system healthy while the antioxidants protect against inflammation and other diseases.

27. Queen Pecan Pineapple

Queen pecan pineapple is a large yellow fruit that grows on trees with a sweet, juicy flavor similar to pineapples. High in Vitamin C and fiber, the fruit is great for your overall health as well as digestion. It can be eaten raw or used in juices and smoothies for a refreshing treat.

29. Queensland Blue Grape

This small blue fruit comes from Australia and has a sweet flavor similar to grapes. It is often made into jams, jellies, and pies or used as an ingredient in various desserts. The high amount of Vitamin C in Queensland blue grape keeps you healthy by boosting your immune system.

30. Queen Coconut

Queen coconut is a large brown fruit that grows on palm trees with a coconut-like sweetness and is juicy. It is great for your overall health as well as your skin, hair, and nails due to its high amount of Vitamins C and E. It can be eaten raw, used in juices, or made into desserts.

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31. Queen Acai Berry

Queen acai berry is a small purple fruit with a taste resembling berries such as blueberries and raspberries. The antioxidants in this fruit keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases. It can be eaten raw or cooked into syrups, sauces, or smoothies for a delicious treat.

32. Queen Ananasi Peach

This large yellow fruit that has a sweet peach-like flavor comes from Africa. It can be eaten raw, used in juices, or made into pies, tarts, and other desserts. The antioxidants in queen ananasi peach keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

33. Queen Grapefruit

Queen grapefruit is a large yellow fruit with a tart and juicy flavor similar to oranges. It can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in various cocktails. The high amount of Vitamin C in this fruit keeps you healthy by boosting your immune system.

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34. Quartz Berry

Quartz berry is a small red fruit that comes from Asia with a sweet flavor similar to raspberries and strawberries. It can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in jams, jellies, and other sauces. The antioxidants in this fruit keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

35. Quickberry

Here is a small purple fruit with a sweet flavor similar to berries such as raspberries and blueberries. It can be eaten raw or used in pies, tarts, and other desserts as well as jams and jellies. The antioxidants present in this fruit keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

36. Quinoa Fruit

Quinoa fruit is a small red fruit that comes that can be eaten raw or used in pies, tarts, and other desserts as well as jams and jellies. The antioxidants present in this fruit keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

37. Quenepa

This small yellow fruit comes from Latin America and has a flavor similar to lemons. It can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in desserts such as cakes and tarts. The antioxidants present in quenepa keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

38. Quambro Plum

This small, purple fruit grows on trees with a sweet, juicy flavor that resembles plums. It is great for your overall health as well as digestion due to its high amount of Vitamin C and fiber. Quambro plum can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, tarts, or other desserts.

39. Queen Yam

Queen yam is a large orange tuber that is great for your overall health and can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, cakes, casseroles, and other dishes. It has a pulpy texture like pumpkins. The high amount of Vitamin C in this tuber keeps you healthy by boosting your immune system.

40. Queen Beech-Nut

Queen beech nut is a small brown fruit that grows on trees with a delicious nutty flavor. It is great for your overall health as well as your skin due to its high amount of Vitamins A and E. It can be eaten raw or used in sauces, jams, or jellies for added sweetness.

41. Querina Apple

Querina apple is a small, red variety of apples that are eaten raw. It is also cooked into pies, tarts, and other desserts as well as jams and jellies because of its juicy and fruity flavor. The antioxidants present in querina apple keep you healthy by protecting against inflammation and other diseases.

So, there you have it! 41 fruits that start with Q. These are just a few of the many different types of fruits out there that are great for your overall health and provide numerous nutritional benefits. Be sure to try some of these delicious fruits and experience their amazing flavors for yourself.

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