41 Fruits That Start with O

Looking for fruits that start with O?

While there are not many fruits starting with O, we have covered every single one we could find for you to stop searching.

So let’s get started with this list of fruits that start with O!


41 Fruits That Start With O

1. Orange

Oranges are a type of citrus fruit that are typically round, and range in color from orange to red-orange. They are named after the color they are typically found in, and are used in many different ways. They can be eaten fresh, juiced, or used in various recipes. Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C and contain other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Potassium, and Folate.

2. Olive

Olives are small fruits that grow on olive trees. They can be eaten fresh or used to make olive oil. Olives come in many different colors, including green, black, and brown. The flavor of olives can range from bitter to sweet. Olives are a good source of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

3. Orangelo

Orangelos are a hybrid citrus fruit that is a cross between an orange and a grapefruit. They are typically round, and range in color from orange to yellow. The flavor of orangelos is similar to that of oranges, with a slightly sweeter taste.

4. Oakland Strawberry

The Oakland strawberry is a type of strawberry that was developed in Oakland, California in the early 1900s. The Oakland strawberry is larger than most other types of strawberries and has a deep red color. The flavor of the Oakland strawberry is sweet and delicious.

5. Otaheite Apple

The Otaheite apple is a type of tropical fruit that is native to the Indian Ocean. It has white or green skin that is often covered in large brown spots. The Otaheite apple has a very tart flavor and is typically eaten fresh or juiced.

6. Osage Orange

Osage oranges are also known as hedge apples and horse apples, and they are found in North America. They have an outer rind that ranges in color from yellow to bright orange, and the inside pulp can be either sweet or bitter depending on the variety of the osage orange.

7. Orange-Flowered Plumeria

Orange-flowered plumeria has large, vibrant orange flowers that are often used in leis or other floral arrangements. The orange-flowered plumeria has a sweet fragrance, and the flowers can be eaten fresh or made into syrup.

8. Osoberry

Osoberry has small white flowers and dark purple berries that are edible. The osoberry has a tart flavor and is often used in pies or jams. These berries would serve your guests in Halloween as well as Christmas parties well since they are one of a kind and work great as bite-sized snacks.

9. Owenia Fruiticosa

Have you seen these fruits before? If not, then you will want to check them out. They are known as Owenia fruiticosa fruits, and they grow in the red desert of Western Australia. The fruit is about an inch long with a purple outer layer. It has a green pulp that tastes like a cross between an apple and a pear.

10. Osteen Mango

Weighing nearly a pound, Osteen mangoes have a pretty weird oblong type shape. While they are purple when ripe, they are yellow, green, and red at different life stages. You can eat the flesh or make it into juice as well.

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11. Ojubbi

If you are looking for a type of fruit that is highly nutritious, then look no further than ojubbi. This tropical fruit grows on trees and has a bright orange color with white flesh and tiny black seeds inside. The flavor of this fruit is sweet but tangy at the same time, making it perfect for snacking all day long.

12. Orange Quince

Orange quinces are related to apples, pears, and other citrus fruits. They have a vibrant orange outer skin that contrasts beautifully against the yellow or green inner pulp. Orange quinces have a sweet and slightly sour taste when eaten raw, and can also be used to make jams and jellies.

13. Orange-Footed Gooseberry

Orange-footed gooseberries are native to the western United States and have a round shape and bright orange color. The fruit is usually eaten raw, but can also be made into jams or baked goods. They have a sweet flavor with hints of strawberry or pineapple added in as well.

14. Ollalieberry

Ollalieberries are very similar in appearance to blackberries, but they are actually a type of raspberry that is native to California. These berries can be eaten raw or cooked into pies or other desserts, and their tart flavor pairs well with chocolate or vanilla flavors.

15. Oncidium

Oncidiums are a type of orchid that is native to tropical regions. They have large, bright flowers that come in a variety of colors, including yellow, pink, and red. The flowers of the oncidium can be eaten raw or cooked, and have a sweet flavor.

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16. Oregon Grape

Oregon grapes are native to the northwestern United States and have deep purple berries that are used to make wine and jelly. These berries can also be eaten raw, and have a tart flavor with hints of sweetness.

17. Opal Apple

These fascinating apples are actually a hybrid create by combining golden apples and topaz apples. They are nearly identical to Honeycrisp apples in terms of crunchiness and juiciness but they have a distinct taste – somewhere between floral and delicately sweet.

18. Oca

Commonly known as “New Zealand yams”, ocas are small tubers that grow in warmer climates like New Zealand and Peru. They have red skin with yellow flesh and can be eaten raw or cooked. The flavor is slightly tangy and earthy, making it perfect for savory dishes or added to soups.

19. Oliver Apple

Oliver apples are one of the sweetest types of apples out there, and they grow on trees that reach up to 15 feet tall when fully mature. These apples come in different shades of green, golden brown, and pinkish oranges once they are ripe. You can eat them raw but they also taste great when baked into pies or other sweet treats.

20. One-Hitter Fruit

One hitter fruits are native to Mexico and other Central American regions and have a bright orange color when ripe. The flesh of these fruits is yellow with small black seeds inside and can be eaten raw or cooked into jams or jellies. One hitters are high in antioxidants and vitamin C, making them an excellent addition to any diet.

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21. Orange Honeydew Melon

Orange honeydew melons have a bright yellow-orange outer skin that contrasts nicely against the green inner pulp. These melons have a fragrance similar to peaches or nectarines and they can be eaten raw or sliced up for salads or drinks. They are also popularly used to make smoothies, sorbets, and other desserts.

22. Orange Pineapple

Orange pineapples are one of the most unique types of pineapple out there, as they have a bright orange outer skin that contrasts against their vibrant greenish-yellow pulp and tangy taste.

23. Oca Berries

Oca berries have a dark purple color when ripe. The flavor is sweet but with hints of tartness, making them perfect for snacking all day long or used in recipes like pies or jams. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and are a great source of vitamin C, calcium, and antioxidants.

24. Oneseed Juniper

One-Seed junipers have tiny purple berries that grow in clusters around their branches. They are native to the western United States, and have a bittersweet flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or added to other dishes like savory curries or salads.

25. Oregon Cherry

Oregon cherries are a type of tart cherry that is native to the northwestern United States. They have a deep red color when ripe, and can be eaten raw or cooked into pies or other desserts. These cherries are also used to make wine, jam, and juice.

26. Oriental Pear

Oriental pears have a round shape with a thin skin that ranges in color from yellow to greenish-brown. The flesh of these pears is white and crisp, with a sweet flavor that is perfect for snacks or added to salads or desserts.

27. Orinoco Banana

You might be surprised to know that Orinoco bananas can grow up to three feet long. They have an elongated shape, and their skin turns yellow when ripe. These bananas are known for their sweet flavor that is reminiscent of vanilla or chocolate, and they can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, pastries, or other desserts.

28. Orinoco Papaya

The Orinoco papaya is a type of tropical fruit that grows in Mexico and Central America. It has bright orange coloration on the outside with yellow flesh inside, and it has a sweet taste similar to mangoes or cantaloupes. This fruit is high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and enzymes that aid in digestion.

29. Okinawan Sweet Potato

Also known as the Hawaiian Sweet Potato, this type of sweet potato has purple skin with white or yellow flesh. It is native to the Ryukyu Islands off the coast of Japan, and it has a sweeter flavor than other types of sweet potatoes. Okinawan sweet potatoes can be eaten raw, baked, or boiled, and are often used in desserts like pies or cakes.

30. Olympia Strawberry

The Olympia strawberry is a type of wild strawberry that has a small size but a large flavor, and its red color makes it perfect for adding to fruit salads or eating on its own.

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31. Orange Apricot

Orange apricots are one of the juiciest types of apricots out there due to their thick skin that protects their bright orange flesh when ripe. These apricots have to be peeled before eating, and they can be eaten raw or cooked into jams, sauces, pastries, and other dishes.

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33. Olive Plum

The olive plum might not look like your typical plum because of its purple coloration on the outside and greenish-yellow flesh inside. It is native to the southern part of South America and can be eaten raw or cooked into various dishes like fruit salads, jams, salsas, and compotes.

34. Ojai Pixie Tangerine

The Ojai Pixie tangerine is a type of mandarin orange that has an easy-to-peel skin and a sweet flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or incorporated into other desserts like cakes, muffins, tarts, pies and more. They are also popularly used to make juice at home or with commercial juicers.

35. Osage Orange

Osage oranges might look kind of weird because they have bright green outer skin with a bumpy texture, but don’t let that discourage you from trying them. These fruits are actually quite tasty and can be eaten raw or cooked into pies, jams, and other dishes. They are also used to make wine and cider.

36. Ottawa Strawberry

The Ottawa strawberries have a deep red color when ripe, and they can be eaten fresh or used in recipes like pies, jams, syrups, and more.

37. Oxheart Strawberry

The oxheart strawberry has a large size and heart-shaped appearance. It is native to Europe, and its sweet flavor makes it ideal for eating raw or using in desserts.

38. Oyster Plant

Also known as the sea bean, the oyster plant is a type of succulent that grows in salt marshes and beaches around the world. It has a salty flavor that makes it perfect for adding to soups, stews, salads, and other dishes.

39. Ozark Beauty Strawberry

The Ozark beauty strawberry is a type of wild strawberry that is native to the United States. It has a deep red color when ripe, and its sweet flavor makes it perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes like pies, jams, and more.

40. Okra

Okra is a vegetable that has green pods with small, round seeds inside. These pods are edible and can be eaten fresh or cooked into a wide variety of dishes like stews, soups, curries, pasta sauces, and more.

41. Ogen Melon

The Ogen melon is a type of cantaloupe that originated in Israel. It has bright orange flesh with a sweet flavor when ripe, but it can also be eaten raw when green. This fruit is used to make juice and other beverages as well as desserts like cakes and pies.

There are many different fruits that start with the letter O, and each one has its own unique flavor and texture. Whether you enjoy eating them raw or cooked into your favorite recipes, there is sure to be a type of fruit out there for you to try. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and explore all of the different types of O-named fruits that are available!

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