garlic powder substitutes

13 Best Substitutes for Garlic Powder

Garlic powder has a pungent aroma and strong flavors. Although loved by all for its taste, it might not be liked for its smell. So, if you are trying to avoid its aroma while cooking or have run out of it, these substitutes for garlic powder will help you out. 

Garlic powder is a dried and grounded form of fresh garlic. It is significantly simpler and more effective to use in a recipe in comparison to fresh garlic. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, garlic is a flavorful ingredient used in various cuisines.

Spices, sauces, and soups can all benefit from its use to improve flavor. It complements recipes that are sauteed, roasted, or braised beautifully. In addition to serving as a condiment, garlic powder is used in marinating meat and seafood. 

But what if you cannot find garlic powder in your kitchen cabinets? Do you skip the ingredient and move ahead? No, this might result in a tasteless dish. Instead, check out these substitutes for garlic powder that will make your cooking journey effortless.


13 Best Substitutes for Garlic Powder

1. Onion powder

Onion powder

The first ingredient that comes to mind while brainstorming the substitutes for garlic powder is onion powder. A staple in many households, it is prepared from drying white onion that has a similar flavor as garlic but is milder. 

Onion powder can replace garlic powder when marinating meat or fish, improving the flavor and preventing fish stench. It dissolves and penetrates other cooking ingredients, making it the finest way to add rich flavors to your food.

How to substitute: Use two teaspoons of onion powder to replace one teaspoon of garlic powder in any dish.

2. Chives


If you cannot bear the pungent odor of garlic in your meals, chives are the ideal substitute. It is a green vegetable with long stems and a slight onion-like taste. 

Chives have a similar flavor to onions and a mild garlic note. It can be used in several meals including soups, eggs, and salads.

Chives are not only tasty and easy to prepare but also provide several health advantages. Because they are milder than garlic powder, add them in a greater quantity to have the perfect taste. 

How to substitute: Use one stalk of fresh chives to substitute one tablespoon of garlic powder. 

3. Cumin


Cumin works best if you are trying to give a garlic-like vibe to your dish while keeping its flavors and aroma to a minimum. 

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Cumin, a key ingredient in many Latin, Mexican and Indian dishes, is prepared from the dried seeds of a plant related to parsley. It smells strong and can decrease the sweetness of a recipe.  

It is used to nuance the flavors of salads, soups, and tortillas. Additionally, cumin is efficient in stimulating the distinctive taste in sauces or dips that call for garlic powder.

How to substitute: A half teaspoon of cumin can satisfactorily replace one teaspoon of garlic powder. 

4. Asafoetida Powder

Asafoetida Powder

Asafoetida powder is derived from the roots of the Iranian plant, F. asafoetida. It has a concentrated flavor of garlic or onion. Because of its strong aroma, asafetida powder is an excellent alternative to garlic powder. 

It has a powerful, pungent fragrance that turns palatable and gives your food a mellow flavor on cooking. To lessen its flavor and smell, add heated or other fat-containing oils.

Asafoetida powder works well as a replacement for garlic powder in dressings and recipes that call for sautéing. It has a generous amount of antioxidants that protect your cells from harm and support digestive health.

How to substitute: Half the amount of asafoetida powder can be used to replace garlic powder. 

5. Shallots


Extremely delicate and brimming with garlic overtones, shallot can replace garlic powder in a wink. 

Shallot has a flavor similar to garlic and a spicy, pungent scent. However, it is considerably sweeter and has a gentler taste than onions and garlic, which become even better when cooked.

They greatly compliment family dinners and have several powerful health advantages. Shallot can be used in stir-fries, mixes, and dips, or is eaten raw in salads and sandwiches. 

How to substitute: Add four to five parts of shallots to substitute garlic powder.

6. Garlic Salt 

Garlic Salt

Garlic salt is a seasoning prepared by a combination of table salt and dried garlic in powdered form. It has a stronger flavor than garlic powder and can be nicely used to replace it. 

The flavorful mixture of salt and garlic gives food color to your recipe. Italian food items like pasta, grilled veggies, salads popcorn, French fries, pizza, toast, and marinated meats can all be sprinkled with this seasoning.

But remember that it contains salt. So begin by adding a little quantity and taste as you go. Garlic salt also comes with its health benefits. It raises antioxidant levels, aids digestion, and stops the growth of cancer cells.

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How to substitute: You will need four teaspoons of garlic salt to replace one teaspoon of garlic powder in your recipe. 

7. Garlic Juice

Garlic Juice

If you relish the flavors of garlic in your food and wish to keep them intact, then you will love this substitute. Garlic juice is prepared by pressing the liquid out of fresh garlic and tastes stronger than garlic powder. 

It contains the flavors of garlic in a concentrated form and can be used to flavor stir-fries, soups, and stews. Garlic juice also works well in salad dressings where you want savory undertones without overpowering garlic or onion aromas.

Urinary tract infections become less prevalent on consuming fresh garlic juice. It also prevents tuberculosis and kidney infections. 

How to substitute: Use a half teaspoon of garlic juice to replace one teaspoon of garlic powder.

8. Garlic Flakes

Garlic Flakes

An easily available and versatile ingredient, garlic flakes are another substitute for garlic powder. It provides a subtle crunch, the best texture, and a flavorful explosion to your dish. 

Garlic flakes are a dried variety of garlic broken into flakes. It is often used in various culinary preparations and is appreciated for its sharp flavor. It is popularly utilized in meals like grills or braises. 

Dry soup blends, vegetable blends, sauces, quick food types, and stuffing blends can all be prepared using garlic flakes.

How to substitute: Use a 4:1 ratio to replace garlic flakes with garlic powder. 

9. Minced Garlic

Minced Garlic

Easily accessible in supermarkets in a packaged form, minced garlic works well as a stand-in for garlic powder. Garlic is harvested from the fields, processed into a paste, and then packed into jars as minced garlic.

Compared to garlic powder, minced garlic has a more intense flavor. It is efficiently used in recipes where sauteing is required. Minced garlic also contains some beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, making it a healthy alternative. 

How to substitute: Use half the amount of minced garlic to replace the garlic powder recommended in your recipe. 

10. Granulated Garlic

Granulated Garlic

While garlic cloves are crushed into granules to create granulated garlic, garlic powder is simply garlic that has been ground into a fine powder. If you wish to add a more absorbing and richer flavor to your dish, consider using granulated garlic.

Granulated garlic easily blends with liquids, adding to its advantages. Similar amounts of antioxidants are present in both seasonings, but granulated garlic offers higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin C.

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How to substitute: Two teaspoons of granulated garlic can satisfactorily replace one teaspoon of garlic powder.

11. Garlic Puree

Garlic Puree

If you do not wish to let go of the strong flavors of garlic powder, use garlic puree as an alternative.

Garlic puree is prepared by crushing a clove of roasted or fresh garlic into a smooth paste that carries the potent taste of fresh garlic. Foods like pasta and mayonnaise sandwiches with sauces pair well with garlic puree.

Ziti and penne sauces pair superbly with pureed garlic sauce and produce an alluring scent. However, remember that garlic puree when added to your recipe can overpower the other ingredients, making your dish too garlicky. 

How to substitute: One-fourth teaspoon of garlic puree is sufficient to replace one teaspoon of garlic powder.

12. Garlic oil

Garlic oil

If you cannot bear the rich flavor and aroma of garlic in your dish but want to give it a subtle garlicky touch, this substitute is for you.

Garlic oil is a highly concentrated form of garlic, and adding just a few drops will give your recipe the perfect taste. It is easily available in stores but can even be prepared at home. 

Garlic oil works wonders when added to grilled meats, cheese plates, salads, and veggies. 

How to substitute: 2-3 drops of garlic oil can easily replace garlic powder in any recipe.

13. Fresh Garlic

Fresh Garlic

When left with no other choice, make fresh garlic your best friend. Tiny in shape but stronger in flavor, fresh garlic is one of the most efficient substitutes for garlic powder. 

Fresh garlic is a risk-free, all-natural substitute. It can be consumed raw or used to flavor dipping sauces and sausages. Fabled Longaniza, for instance, would taste awful without garlic. 

Although it takes some more time to mince, saute, or roast fresh garlic, the flavor it provides to your food is worth the wait. It also has natural antibacterial capabilities that help keep food-borne pathogens at bay. 

How to substitute: Use four fresh garlic cloves to replace one teaspoon of garlic powder.

Whether you wish to keep the aroma of garlic to a minimum or have run out of garlic powder while preparing a dish, these substitutes for garlic powder will always help you out. Do not hesitate and go ahead to replace the garlic powder in the recipe you have put on hold. 

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