Swiss Cheese substitutes

9 Best Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

If you are struggling to find Swiss cheese, this article is for you. Read on to familiarize yourself with some of the best substitutes for Swiss cheese.

Swiss cheese is a versatile and all-time favorite ingredient that enhances the flavor of your dish. It is peculiarly recognized by carbon dioxide holes or eyes present in it. 

Native to Switzerland, Swiss cheese has a hard texture and distinctive flavor that can be consumed as an appetizer or with sandwiches, spaghetti sauces, fruits, and bread.

Do not panic if you are in the middle of preparing a recipe and have run out of Swiss cheese. Skim through these substitutes, and we are sure that you will not be disappointed. 


9 Best Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

1. Fontina Cheese

Fontina Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

The first ingredient that comes to mind when looking for a Swiss cheese substitute is Fontina cheese. Originally produced in Italy, Fontina cheese has a similar texture and flavor profile, making it an ideal alternative. 

It is a gluten-free product manufactured from cow milk that can easily replace Swiss cheese in paninis and quiches. Besides its delicious taste, it serves as a magic ingredient for good health, boosting your immune system and preventing heart diseases.

How to substitute: Use an equal quantity of Fontina cheese to replace Swiss cheese in any recipe.

2. Gouda Cheese

Gouda Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

One of the most versatile substitutes for Swiss cheese with slight yellow color and caramel-like rich flavor is Gouda cheese. It is a staple in the Netherlands and is prepared using cow milk.

The texture of Gouda cheese ranges from smooth to sharp depending on the duration for which it has been aged. Because the cheese is usually melted when used in casserole and chicken bakes, it achieves a comparable texture to Swiss cheese.

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How to substitute: Use a 1:1 ratio when replacing Swiss cheese with unsmoked Gouda cheese. However, reduce the quantity by half when using smoked Gouda cheese as an alternative.

3. Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

Dated back to as late as the eleventh century, cheddar cheese is most commonly used to add a rich and creamy texture to your recipes.

Named after an English town, Cheddar, this cheese works wonders when used in casseroles, pasta sauces, and quiches. Cheddar cheese can be easily used as a Swiss cheese alternative because of its comparable nutty flavor and hard texture. 

Because both kinds of cheese melt easily and are manufactured using cow milk, you can replace them in sauces and sandwiches. 

How to substitute: An equal quantity of cheddar cheese can satisfactorily replace Swiss cheese in any recipe.

4. Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

Who doesn’t love a bite of extra mozzarella cheese on top of their pizza? The soft texture and creamy flavor of this cheese that satisfies your palate make it an ideal substitute for Swiss cheese. 

Originating from Italy, mozzarella is a white-colored cheese prepared from fresh curd. It is a multipurpose ingredient and pairs well with basil and tomatoes. It further enhances the flavor profile of casserole and pasta bakes.

How to substitute: Use a 1:1 ratio to replace mozzarella cheese with Swiss cheese. However, adding some extra mozzarella cheese according to your taste is of no harm.

5. Edam Cheese

Edam Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

A native to the Northern regions of the Netherlands, Edam cheese is another fantastic substitute for Swiss cheese. Produced from goat or cow milk, it possesses a moderate flavor and hard texture. 

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Edam cheese goes well with fruits and sandwiches and can be consumed as an appetizer or a snack. It also serves as a great dessert or an addition to a cheese platter. 

However, you must note that Edam has a creamy consistency while Swiss cheese is stringy. Hence the quantity used must be accordingly adjusted. 

How to substitute: Begin by adding half the quantity of Swiss cheese called for in your recipe. Further, increase the amount according to your taste and preference.

6. Gruyere Cheese

Gruyere Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

If you are looking for a Swiss cheese substitute to replace sauces, Gruyere cheese might serve you well. Its ideal melting point and creamy texture make it a fantastic substitute.

Gruyere cheese has a nutty flavor with buttery undertones that pair well with several types of meat and vegetables. It has a mild taste when fresh, but gains a much more sharp and dense flavor on aging. 

The manufacturing process of Gruyere cheese is different from other cheeses, which are usually prepared by heating. The initial twenty hours are spent squeezing the curd, followed by an aging process of at least five months. 

How to substitute: Use a 1:1 ratio when replacing Swiss cheese with fresh Gruyere cheese. However, reduce the quantity by half when using aged Gruyere cheese as an alternative.

7. Manchego Cheese


Manchego Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

Prepared from sheep’s milk, manchego cheese comes next on the list of substitutes for Swiss cheese. It is characterized by a herringbone ridge and is native to Spain. 

Manchego cheese is a gluten-free substitute that pairs well with marmalade, deep-fried foods, and honey. Similar to Swiss cheese, it has a stingy taste and melts easily, blending perfectly into your dishes. 

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Because of the growing popularity of this cheese, finding it in your nearby grocery stores is easier than ever. 

How to substitute: Half the amount of Manchego cheese can satisfactorily substitute Swiss cheese in any recipe. 

8. Provolone Cheese

Provolone Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

Originating from Northern Italy, provolone cheese has a moderate taste with a fantastic melting point that makes it an ideal substitute for Swiss cheese. Because of its nutty texture and firmness, it is perfect for baking and fondue.

The flavors of provolone cheese enhance with the aging process. Though its intensity varies, provolone remains delicious and buttery regardless of how long it has been aged.

It is much cheaper than Swiss cheese and works excellently with pizzas, casseroles, and sandwiches. 

How to substitute: Use a 1:1 ratio to replace provolone cheese with Swiss cheese. 

9. Pecorino Romano Cheese

Pecorino Romano Cheese - Substitutes for Swiss Cheese

Pecorino Romano cheese is another alternative that can efficiently replace Swiss cheese in any recipe. Prepared from sheep’s milk, this cheese has a stingy taste and crumbly texture.

It can age for around three years which helps in enhancing its flavor. Pecorino Romano is available in a few distinct forms, including shredded, whole, and grated. It works wonders when used in pasta, quiches, or pizza. 

How to substitute: Half the amount of Pecorino Romano cheese can best substitute for Swiss cheese in any recipe.

Swiss cheese is the most loved ingredient that can make any dish appetizing with its thick and creamy consistency. Its flavors are hard to resist. So, the next time you crave Swiss cheese, rely on this list to find your ideal substitute. 

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